And here he is, bless his little rodentious heart. I am working into the early evening here, and I hear "scrabbling." And further scrabbling. And I see nothing.
Then I realize that the scrabbling is coming from INSIDE my desk...in fact, the bottom right-hand drawer...and I open the drawer...and some little grey somebody has been having a hey-day with the left-over Sinter Klaas gelt (chocolate) in the bottom of my drawer. Little wretch.
I guess, mindful of health considerations, hanta viruses, etc. -- I have to set a trap also.
I wish I could pretend to have taken his picture, but this is uploaded from Wikipedia.
Now I have to go clean out my drawer. Somewhere out there is a mouse with chocolate on his breath.
Oh dear. What about a cat, or are you allergic?
I'm not at all allergic...but we have severely allergic folks who attend here at Most Holy...so I fear 'tis a trap.
what about a lesser grade of chocolate, or something less appetizing, like year-old marshmallow fluff? Perhaps he would leave in disgust?
I found a mouse in my sewing box a few weeks ago and reacted like a woman in a cartoon--screaming and running. I was very impressed for a moment to think that you calmly snapped a picture. I'm still pretty impressed that you seem unruffled by the encounter.
I think your little guy has a buddy in the wall behind my desk at work.
So far he hasn't assaulted my chocolate!
Well at least he will go out happy.
Was it Arthur, or Humphrey?
Why, that dirty rat! A mouse in the house is one thing, but jacking one's CHOCOLATE? That means WAR! Go get 'im!
I notice that you are one of the few people in blogdom to not yet have been tagged for the Book Meme, so not wanting you to feel left out, I have tagged you for it! (Hope you don't mind!)
The Psaltery
Ah, an allusion to some of our favorite books when Sonshinein was little! But how could one bear to trap either Arthur or Humphrey?
I have the fondest memories of Frederick...not to mention Stuart! but I don't think I know Arthur and/or Humphrey.
No, mice per se don't bother me. If they weren't so dirty, I wouldn't begrudge them what they eat...but the pooping and the piddling ... that's another matter.
Driving home this afternoon I was behind a trailer carrying a skip...As we stopped at traffic lights, I saw something moving on the trailer - and lo, there was a mouse - who had presumably been comfortably settled amid the rubble in the skip, and wasn't sure he liked travel at 30 mph
So - is this a takeover...?
I've been reminded about Arthur and Humphrey. What I remembered of those books was Samson the Cat!
I love your description of the mouse with chocolate breath! That (and your picture) make him sound more pleasant than I think a rodent is. Good luck in cleaning out the desk and the mouse!
BTW, I've tagged you for a book meme that's rather silly.
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