Friday, March 7, 2008

Signs of Spring Friday Five!

TGIF, and TG for the Friday Five!
Sally, at RevGalBlogPals has posted this for us this week:

I believe that if we look carefully we can see signs of hope all around us.... as for signs of spring... well you tell me....

What have you seen/ heard this week that was a :

1. Sign of hope?

Just a whiff in the air of patience, wisdom, goodwill...courage...

2. An unexpected word of light in a dark place?

Inspiring things in inward/outward, which comes by e-mail daily...

3. A sign of spring?

All the gutters are running with snow-melt in bright, bright warm sunshine today! and the running water has cut gullies in the ice-ruts in the parking lot. A little more and the ice in the river will start to break up too.

4. Challenging/surprising?

By this time tomorrow evening, God willing, we should know who our next bishop will be. It may be surprising. It's bound to be challenging!

5. Share a hope for the coming week/month/year....

Two hopes, maybe: one, that we solve our heating-system problem within the estimates and before the new onset of cold weather next fall; and two, that we find a way to embrace and integrate the newly-married and the newly-parents, and help them to make this THEIR parish too.

Bonus play... a piece of music/ poem guaranteed to cheer you?

Well -- at the moment the Rhapsody in Blue is my "get game face on and go to work" music in the car!


Diane M. Roth said...

oh, Rhapsody in Blue! I love it!

Here's to spring... and the surprise of your new bishop.

Auntie Knickers said...

You can't go wrong with Gershwin, that's for sure.

RevDrKate said...

Good musical choice! Like those whiffs in #1 as well.

Jan said...

I love Inward, Outward, too. Thanks for playing. Hope the heating problems get sensibly solved.