Monday, February 9, 2009

in which the Rambler goes on retreat...

My colleagues and I are IMMURED, more or less, in an Oblate retreat and conference centre about 45 minutes' drive from Tether's End. Our numbers are swelled by clergy colleagues from the diocese just to the north of us...

I've brought a sack of work to do, and reading, and plan to take part in just exactly as much of the retreat as I find nourishing...

And I brought the laptop, so as to maintain contact with the Outer Reality.

After all, there might be a need out there to communicate with me about the latest antics of the newest denizen of Tether's End...since Saturday...with her long legs and ridiculous long tail and great big ears and hefty semi-Siamese squall. Called "Nefertiti" in honour of her elegant profile.

Kitteh pics shall ensue.


Auntie Knickers said...

I'm amazed that there IS a diocese to the north of you!
And can't wait to see Nefertiti. I saw the "real" one in Berlin once upon a time.

Crimson Rambler said...

Actually there is yet another diocese still further north -- but that's "The Arctic", literally. there are three dioceses "stacked" in this province, and the one I'm in is kind of the belly-band across the middle from east to west.

Terri said...

I hope the retreat is nurishing enough and that you get some work done too! Can't wait to see pic's of the new kitten...