Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Panic averted (narrowly)...

Alternate Title: WHERE does it say, in my terms of reference, that it shall be the Rector's responsibility on Sunday morning between services to locate supplementary "bathroom tissue" for lifelong members of the parish...when the holders in the washrooms are empty...

...and when the BT (or "TP" if you prefer) has been cunningly and craftily hidden in a supply closet, whose door bears the label (at least 15 years old, this label), "SUPPLIES -- rock salt, paper towels, toilet paper"?

I'm just askin'. I don't remember that part, in the ordination service.


Sue said...

Oh wow. You have no idea how much this resonates with me or how many Sundays I have grumbled about that "other associated duties" stuff in the job description.

Don't even get me started on shoveling snow...

Diane M. Roth said...

nope, not in my vows, either.

Kathryn said...

Mnn...I've just washed 2 dozen flowerpots in preparation for the church fete, at which I will have sponges thrown at me. I don't thnk I was paying proper attention in the Ordination service either...

Crimson Rambler said...

kathryn, I'm inferring that these will be wet sponges, also?

You are SO in my prayers.

Do you get the double-barreled hit, at times? I.e., when you volunteer in a good-humoured way to do one of these "associated tasks," is there some self-appointed Arbiter of the Fitting who hisses at you, "You shouldn't be doing things like that!!!"

If not, and if you feel the lack, I can spare you a couple!

esperanza said...

Apparently that exact same thing was in my vows, too! I also have an "Arbiter of the Fitting." I also unclog toilets. And recommend such radical things as putting buckets under leaks in the roof. Ministry.

Identity Mixed said...

You didn't take that class in seminary? Must just be a Presbyterian thing. :)

Terri said...

No, not in the ordination vows...its in the fine print of your "Letter of Agreement" with the parish...LOL...the part you can't read because it's all between the lines....


does it helps that we all end up in that position? (No, I didn't think so...)...

Kathryn said...

Rambler, I do indeed...I've just been down to church (days off are clearly not manageable when it's fete weekend) to do some necessary footling, only to be greeted by "What are YOU doing's your day off!" delivered with rather more disapproval than concern, it seemed to me.
Ah well, He never said it would be easy. And yes, the sponges are indeed wet!

more cows than people said...

: )

Iris said...


LutheranChik said...

I'm not going to ask how the rock salt relates to the toilet paper.

johnieb said...

It's all the "between the lines" stuff in the Letter of Agreement that gets ya: every time.

mibi52/ The Rev. Dr. Mary Brennan Thorpe said... when you resupplied said paper, did someone complain that you hung it on the roller incorrectly (we seem to have greta battles about whether it should be hung with the runner hanging over the top and down the front, or down from around the back)?

That would be the ultimte irony.

I think you should ask for a paper stipend...