Thursday, November 22, 2007


I'd like to propose something. Do you think we could impose a ban, even a temporary one, on the use of the words "incredible," and "incredibly," as all-purpose intensifiers? Especially in sermons, where -- for heaven's sake -- we are talking, just every so often, precisely about BELIEF...about what is CREDIBLE. And to be CREDITED.
I know this isn't global warming or peace in the Middle East, but it narks me.


suzanne said...

"All-purpose intensifiers." So that's what we call those! What an incredibly useful phrase! (sorry) If I am ever called upon to deliver a sermon (and I dream of that day, although I am a lay person) I promise to respect your most reasonable ban on incredible and all its variations.

Would you mind if we added "amazing" to that list of temporarily banned words as well? For me it signifies nothing, and takes the place of better words which might convey actual information. But maybe that's just me.

Peace through more precise language...

Crimson Rambler said...

it's what one of my orientalizing students once identified as the Confucian principle of RECTIFICATION OF NAMES. Or what Dr. Johnson, peace to his bones, would have called the avoidance of CANT. Awful lot of CANT in the church...still!
We'll put the boots to "amazing" also!

more cows than people said...

i can't find your e-mail. the recipe for the stuffing is in the joy of cooking, of all places! do you have that old standard?? if not, maybe i'll post it.

Crimson Rambler said...

we HAVE the joy of cooking, Houston, wilco. and thank you!

Jan said...

I'd like to ban "awesome." Only God is "awesome".

Crimson Rambler said...

WE SHALL DO AWAY WITH AWESOME FORTHWITH!!! I had students who referred to Beatrix Potter as AWESOME...:-P